Dear Friends, I would like to start by thanking the leadership of the African Union, Jet Age Nation Builders Advisory Board, The Steering Committee and you, for your commitment and support throughout the year 2024.
Our Focus for the year 2025/2026 will cover the principles that will lead to “winning together”. This is different from the traditional concept of “win-win” that draws on the tactics of integrative bargaining, considerations of best alternative, as well as non-monetary and monetary strategies to achieve successful agreements to projecting and building the Nations of Africa that should be of interest to everyone of us. Together as we align with Africa Communities in Diaspora, Friends of Africa, Goodwill Ambassadors and Development Partners in projecting and achieving “The Africa We Want” inline with the Africa Union Commission “Agenda 2063”.
We currently have projects that address multiple sectors such as education, health, entrepreneurship, finance, human capacity building, investments, infrastructure, real estate, mining, tourism and security (both physical & cyber security) to name a few. These projects, although at different stages all geared towards our Mission in Building the Africa that should be of interest to everyone of us and project African solutions for Africa’s greatest needs and problems. From 2022-2024, we have moved the following 5 projects to the next stage of implementation:
1. The JetAge Academy powered by JANB Nigeria.
2. Partnerships with Governments, Goodwill Ambassadors and the International Communities, led by Rwanda, Ghana, and Ethiopia.
3. The Health, ICT Start-ups, Real Estate development & re-development projects and Innovation – spearheaded by Mauritius and Nigeria.
4. The JetAge Boot camp for Startup Funding, Lead by Goodwill Ambassadors and Friends of Africa.
5. The African Union Simulation Parliament, Expo and Conference at the African Union Headquarters, Ethiopia, Mauritius, Uganda, Nigeria, Rwanda and Ghana.
This has been made possible because of individual commitments like yours and I thank you for the trust you put on Jet Age Nation Builders despite the challenges from all fronts that has affected the entire world economic environment.
We are committed to our values and ambition, we stand still and we have not departed from our 5 main areas of focus, with the Theme: The Future Is Now, which is also strategic for the period of 2019-2025 namely: “Building Africa’s Next Generation of Leaders (BANGL)”, “Developing Affordable Infrastructure Across the Continent of Africa (DAIACA)”, “Promoting and Facilitating Ease of doing Business and Investing Across Africa (PFedBIAA)”, “Accelerating and Introducing the Development of a Digital and Intelligent Society (AIDDIS)”.
African Solution for Africa’s Problems (WASAP);Our 2025/2026 objectives will remain as bold as our organization:
1. Increase of our resource mobilization up to 50million US Dollars to support our ambitious projects
2. Increase the numbers of our partners, corporate members, governments, and stake holders
3. Expand the numbers of physical offices to 10 Nations of Africa in addition to the existing 12 Nations.
4. Consolidate and complete a minimum of 5 blueprints, and 5. Bridging the gap between the government and her citizens which remains our core.
Activities for 2025
1. February – Aprail: – Youth re-orientation, Training and Empowerment Across Universities in Africa.
2. May: – Africa Day 2025, Abuja, Nigeria.
3. July: – Africa Investment, Trade, Economic and Technology Expo, (Namibia, Mauritius and Zimbabwe)
4. August:- The Parliament and Inauguration at The African Union Commission Simulation, (Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia)
5. September:- co-host the Africa – China Tourism Expo, (Beijing, China)
6. November:- African Union Commission Simulation Inauguration and Award, (London, United Kingdom)As we are set to embark into these challenges and future achievements, we would like to on behalf of the entire JetAge Members and Partners, take this opportunity to wish you and your family a prosperous journey ahead.Yours in Nation Building Amb. Dr. Young Piero Omatseye.Africa Coordinator and Director of Parliament: Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Joint Session African Union Simulation AUCS (Agenda 2063)